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Dermatology department is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of various health conditions and diseases of the skin, hair, and nails. Thorough skin, hair, and nail assessment is achieved via comprehensive clinical examination in addition to use of modern devices like Woods lamp examination and the in-depth examination by Dermoscopy.


Dermatological diseases managed at AEH dermatology department includes; but not only; the following spectrum:

  • Psoriasis and its related variants
  • Acne with all variants of oily skin and related conditions
  • Eczema and Atopic Dermatitis of adults and childhood
  • Allergic skin conditions and different types of hypersensitivity reactions; e.g., urticaria
  • Skin infections including parasitic, bacterial, fungal and viral infections
  • Screening for melanoma and other skin cancers; with great aid of the Dermoscope device
  • Nail disorders
  • Different types of Alopecia and hair loss
  • Pigment disorders; either conditions of decreased pigment as vitiligo or conditions of increased pigment as melasma
  • Management of venereal diseases and sexually transmitted diseases


Interventional procedures carried out by the dermatology department:

  1. Intralesional skin injections for scar conditions of the skin and spontaneous keloids. Dermojet device ensures fast, easy, and less painful sessions.
  2. Cauterization of small skin masses including warts and skin tags etc…; three types of cauterizations are available: Hyfrecator electric cauterization, cryo-cautery, and chemical cauterization.
  3. Comedonal extraction for acne-related conditions
  4. Phototherapy sessions for various skin diseases including mainly: psoriasis and vitiligo especially when including large surface area
Last updated on 07 Oct 2024